Abbotsford Skin Doctors

Dr Colin Lim

Dr Colin Lim


Dr Andrew Skerman


Dr Sienna Liu


    Dr Christopher Brooks


Book your Skin Check with us today!

Skin cancer is extremely common in Australia, and early detection is of the utmost importance, particularly for melanoma.

Any new or changing skin lesion (spot, lump, freckle or mole) should be assessed by your GP.

The doctors at Abbotsford Medical Practice are trained to detect and manage skin cancers.

Services our doctors can provide include:

  • Full skin checks
  • Dermatoscopic examination of moles/ skin lesions
  • Mole mate examination of atypical moles
  • Biopsy of suspicious lesions
  • Removal of skin tags and skin lumps
  • Excision of BCC/SCC/non-malignant lesions (histopathological examination of lesions will be performed)
  • Cryotherapy treatment of sunspots
  • Topical therapy for superficial skin cancers
  • Annual recall/reminders for your skin check
  • Advice re safe sun protection and skin care
  • Referral for specialist care if needed.

Initial Appointment and Skin Check

Regular skin checks are important for early detection of skin cancers.

Before we discuss any procedures, you will need to make a 30-minute appointment for a full skin check – no referral required.

A full skin check involves a head-to-toe examination of your skin with a magnifying examination light and dermatoscopy.

The doctor will provide advice on lesions to be watched or removed. Some simple lesions can be treated and the time of the initial consultation using cryotherapy or topical therapy. Simple biopsies of suspicious lesions may also be performed at an additional cost during the skin check, but normally this will be done at a follow-up appointment.

Skin Procedures

We perform minor procedures to completely remove cancerous, pre-cancerous, and undesired lesions

If you consent to suspicious skin lesions being removed or biopsied, a follow up appointment will be made for another day.

The length and cost of the appointment will vary depending on the procedure required. You will be informed of these at the time of booking.

The doctors at our clinic have a wide range of experience with procedures. The doctor who performs your skin check may recommend you have your procedure with another doctor in the team if that doctor has more experience with the particular procedure required for you. Changing doctors will not change the cost.

Follow Up

If a procedure is performed, you may require a follow-up appointment within the week for removal of stitches or change of dressing. You will be given your pathology results as part of this appointment and a referral to a specialist will be provided if required. There is no additional cost for this appointment.

All patients who receive a skin check will be added to the practice’s annual recall list to remind you to repeat the skin check in 12 months’ time.

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